Promozione della sicurezza alimentare attraverso la cooperazione internazionale così che le persone abbiano accesso a cibo sicuro e sano, che soddisfi le diverse esigenze dietetiche e le condizioni di salute.
- Beccaro G. L., Donno D., Randriamampionona D., Torti V., Andriamaniraka H., Mellano M. G., Giacoma C. (2020). Phytochemical Characterization Of Traditional Villagers’ Remedies In Madagascar: Brachylaena Ramiflora Decoctions And Infusions. Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 1267, P. 97-103, Issn: 0567-7572, Doi: 10.17660/Actahortic.2020.1267.16
- Beccaro G. L., Soifoini T., Donno D., Jeannoda V., Rakotoniaina N. E., Hamidou S., Achmet S. M., Afraitane K., Giacoma C. (2020). Artocarpus Altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (Breadfruit) Nutritional Characterization And Local Uses In Comoros Islands. Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 1267, P. 27-31, Issn: 0567-7572, Doi: 10.17660/Actahortic.2020.1267.5
- Bini V., Bottiglieri M., Dansero E., Frigerio A., Magarini A., Nicolarea Y., (2019) Le politiche urbane del cibo come terreno di cooperazione internazionale: il caso delle città africane, in Salvatori F. (a cura di), L’apporto della Geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme. Atti del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano, (Roma, 7-10 giugno 2017), A.Ge.I., Roma, pp. 913-921 ISBN 978-88-942641-2-8.
- Bini V., Dansero E., Magarini A., Nicolarea Y. (2017), “Politiche urbane del cibo nel Sud globale: temi, approcci, casi di riferimento. / Urban food policies in the Global South: themes, approaches, reference cases”, in Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, X, 1-2, pp. 53-71 (italiano e inglese).
- Bini V., Dansero, E., Yameogo L., (2019) Cooperazione e reti locali del cibo nelle città africane: il caso di Ouagadougou, in Salvatori F. (a cura di), L’apporto della Geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme. Atti del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano, (Roma, 7-10 giugno 2017), A.Ge.I., Roma, pp. 923-930 ISBN 978-88-942641-2-8.
- Bruno R.G., Kibrom T., Dansero E., Processi di costituzione di Urban Food Policy in Africa Orientale. Il caso studio di Addis Abeba, Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, pp. 7-22, DOI: 10.13133/2784-9643/18150.
- Dansero E, Peano C., Semita C., Tecco N., (2015) Il percorso di Slow Food dall’Italia all’Africa, in V. Bini, M. Vitale Ney, Alimentazione, cultura e società in Africa. Crisi globali, risorse locali, Ledizioni, Milano.
- Dansero E., Yameogo L. (2017) “Nutrire le città: la sfida dell’approvvigionamento alimentare di Ouagadougou tra organizzazione territoriale e sistema dei trasporti”, in Gusman A., Pennacini C. (a cura di) L’Africa delle città. Urban Africa, Academia University Press, Torino, pp. 137-154.
- Donno D., Hassani S., Sofoini T., Mellano M. G., Riondato I., Gamba G., Beccaro G. L. (2021). Traditional Foods And Sustainable Rural Development: Exploiting The Case Of The Comoros Tea As A Potential Source Of Bioactive Compounds. Sustainability, Vol. 13, P. 1-21, Issn: 2071-1050, Doi: 10.3390/Su13115815
- Fioccardi A., Donno D., Razafindrakoto Z. R., Gamba G., Beccaro G. L. (2022). First Phytochemical Study Of Six Tree And Shrub Species With High Health-Promoting Potential From Madagascar: Innovative Uses For Food And Medicinal Applications. Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 299, P. 1-11, Issn: 0304-4238, Doi: 10.1016/J.Scienta.2022.111010
- Magarini A., Nicolarea Y., Dansero E., Bottiglieri M. (2017), “Urban food policies: decentralized cooperation and African cities” in Revue internationale des études du développement, 232,4, pp. 67-93.
- Toilibou Soifoini, Dario Donno, Victor Jeannoda, Danielle Doll Rakoto, Ahmed Msahazi, Saidi Mohamed Mkandzile Farhat, Mouandhoime Zahahe Oulam, Gabriele Loris Beccaro (2021). Phytochemical Composition, Antibacterial Activity, And Antioxidant Properties Of The Artocarpus Altilis Fruits To Promote Their Consumption In The Comoros Islands As Potential Health-Promoting Food Or A Source Of Bioactive Molecules For The Food Industry. Foods, Vol. 10, P. 1-22, Issn: 2304-8158
- Women Empowerment And Sustainable 464 Agriculture Development To Achieve Food Security In South Sudan (Wosa)
Milk & Honey
Period: 02/07/18 – 08/02/22
Project Leader: Riccardo FORTINA
Funders: Africa 70 Movement
Description: “Milk & Honey” is born to contribute to ensuring the right of the Nigerien population to healthy and quality food from sustainable local value chains. Specifically, the project aims to ensure that the population of Niamey and the Departments of Say and Torodi consume milk, honey, and derivatives from local, fair-trade, and sustainable sources, promoting the work of young people and women.
The project also intends to promote the socio-economic development of communities and youth and women’s empowerment by fostering the development of alternative economic opportunities, with the full involvement of institutions and the population. The inclusion of young people and women in the two productive chains and financial incentives for supporting and creating micro-enterprises from production to sales are additional important and innovative interventions in the rural intervention context.
Period: 12/06/17 – 31/03/22
Project Leader: Sabrina Maria Rita BONETTO
Funders: VIDES International Volunteering Women Education Development
Description: The research aims to address, through an interdisciplinary approach, issues related to the sustainable management of natural and environmental resources (mainly water, but also grazing lands or agriculturally relevant soils) and the dissemination of environmentally friendly agricultural and livestock practices adapted to climatic and environmental conditions, capable of ensuring adequate food security for local populations. The research activities will take place primarily within the framework of the WOSA project – Women Empowerment and Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security Achievement in South Sudan (led by VIDES) funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), in which the CISAO of the University of Turin is a partner. The research activities will be carried out in collaboration with Italian and African NGOs, institutes, and public and private entities.
Project Type: Other Research Projects with Competitive Call
Funders: Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) – ACP-EU Cooperation Programme for Higher Education (EDULINK II)
Description: Improvement of the living conditions of rural populations in the three countries involved through a high-level higher education program that promotes sustainable development interventions to increase plant and animal production while respecting the environment and ensuring food security. The project involves organizing a higher education course (master’s level) to train and specialize professionals who can be locally integrated into institutions (public bodies, universities, or other training institutes of various levels), NGOs, businesses, etc. that are more involved in rural development. The Master’s program will be open to students from various educational backgrounds (agronomists, veterinarians, animal scientists, graduates in biology, geography, physics, environmental sciences, natural sciences, etc.) and from partner countries as well as other Sahelian countries in the CISAO network.
Period: 21/04/22 – 20/04/24
Project Leaders: Alessandra GUMINA, Daniela Nicoletta COSTA, Elisa BIGNANTE, Cristiano LO IACONO, Egidio DANSERO