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SOCIAL: The Podcast on
Social Enterprises in Senegal

The PROVIVES project in Senegal is a significant initiative aimed at promoting a green, social, and circular economy in the regions of Dakar, Thiès, Louga, and Saint-Louis. The project involves 160 businesses and 40 start-ups, supported by a network of local and international partners, including CISV, CISAO, LVIA, Re.Te Ong, and Mercato Circolare, and is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. One of the main objectives of the project is to guide agricultural enterprises through an ecological transition by integrating agroecology as a systemic approach that combines agricultural, pastoral, sociological, and economic techniques.

We wrote about it here a short time ago. Today, it is featured in the SOCIAL podcast, which explores what social enterprises are and how this concept is applied in the Senegalese context. You can find it on Spotify, other digital platforms, and at On the podcast, the protagonists of #PROVIVES share their experiences—a project by CISV, @lvia_ong, @reteong, in collaboration with @mercato_circolare, @arco_lab from @pinpoloprato, Cisao from @unitorino, Fapal, Espere, and Caper, supported by @aics_cooperazione_it @aics_dakar. The first episode features Marta Mosca from CISAO, who shares insights into the activities carried out within our joint PROVIVES project.