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Author: ammin

The Contingency of a precious alga: Spirulina

The Contingency of a precious alga: Spirulina I was in N’Djamena, the capital of Chad. It was one of the last days of my mission in this country, which, along with Burkina Faso and Niger, is a partner in the CISAO project called “RUSSADE” focused on higher university education.Besides the usual formal meetings and visits to various university sites and laboratories, the local colleagues told me about a unique yet abundant treasure of their country: spirulina from Lake Chad. This is a unique place in the world, around which dozens of ethnic groups and about 20 million people...

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The 20 Years of CISAO: 2004 – 2024

The 20 Years of CISAO:2004 – 2024 The 20 Years of CISAO: 2004 – 2024 Africa, Complexity, and Future A twenty-year dialogue with CISAO and the Piedmont Region. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of CISAO’s establishment, during Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024, we will organize a meeting with the Piedmont Region, which has always supported the Center and has been a key partner in building knowledge and solutions for resilient territories and agricultural systems in a more sustainable and inclusive world.A roundtable with experts in the field of development cooperation will encourage...

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Green, Social, and Circular: The PROVIVES Enterprises in Senegal

Green, Social, and Circular:The PROVIVES Enterprises in Senegal The following article was published by CISV as part of the PROVIVES project, in which CISAO is a partner. For further information Green, Social, and Circular: The PROVIVES Enterprises in Senegal The PROVIVES project in Senegal represents a significant initiative aimed at promoting a green, social, and circular economy, involving 160 businesses and 40 start-ups in the regions of Dakar, Thiès, Louga, and Saint-Louis. The project, which has just...

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Gender and Development

GENDER ANDDEVELOPMENT Why is it essential to talk about gender when discussing development? And how important is gender mainstreaming in the field of cooperation? Development must necessarily include gender equality in every dimension. Building equitable and sustainable development also means ensuring that all people have the same opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment. Applying a gender-sensitive approach in the field of cooperation allows the needs of men and women to be considered and integrated into the development of policies, programs, and projects. Essentially, this...

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My park W

My Park W The first time I visited the W National Park was in 2002; since then, I have been there two more times, always starting from Niamey, the capital of Niger. W is a transnational park located at the borders of Niger, Benin, and Burkina Faso; the name derives from a triple bend of the Niger River, which forms a gigantic W in the middle of an intact Sudanese-Sahelian savannah, with grasslands, shrublands, wooded savannahs, and gallery forests. Together with the neighboring parks of Arly (Burkina Faso) and Pendjari (Benin), and the hunting zones of Koakrana and Kourtiagou (Burkina Faso)...

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A Showcase on Cape Verde

A Showcase onCape Verde At the AMSES – Associazione Missionaria Solidarietà e Sviluppo headquarters in Fossano (CN), a small exhibition on the Cape Verde archipelago is open to the public, curated by Elena Ferrero and Giovanni Mortara, members of CISAO. The exhibition is the result of activities conducted in Cape Verde since 1998 by a multidisciplinary group from the University of Turin, the National Research Council, and the Craveri Civic Museum of Natural History in Bra. Over time, thanks to the valuable collaboration of officials from the International Cooperation Sector of the Piedmont...

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CISAO Annual Assembly

CISAO Annual Assembly The relationships between Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, and the rest of the world are undergoing a significant transformation due to major changes in the international landscape and new internal economic and political dynamism. CISAO aims to continue being a focal point and synthesis hub for many of the activities in higher education, research, and territorial cooperation that the University of Turin can offer to those interested in the African continent and its transition towards a new development model. This was the starting point of the CISAO Annual Assembly...

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The Burkina Faso Table of the Piedmont Region Inaugurated at the Circolo dei Lettori

The Burkina Faso Table of the Piedmont Region Inaugurated at the Circolo dei Lettori The crisis in Burkina Faso is one of the most neglected in the world. The African country is afflicted by a combination of negative factors: political instability, climate change, terrorism, and a lack of state governance over security. In recent years, the needs of the population have grown, but the arrival of aid and the possibility of carrying out cooperation project activities have become increasingly complex. Instability and violence from jihadist groups have caused a progressive increase in internally...

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“KIJANI PEMBA – Strengthening Urban Eco-Resilience in Chake Chake and Mkoani”: The First Steps

KIJANI PEMBA The “KIJANI PEMBA – Strengthening Urban Eco-Resilience in Chake Chake and Mkoani” project is part of the Green and Smart Cities SASA program and aims to support the communities of the main urban areas of Pemba Island, Tanzania. A community participatory mapping through an environmental and socio-economic analysis in the target areas will develop a vulnerability assessment involving four types of local actors (public institutions, local universities, civil society, and private entities) using a mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology. The first action of the...

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Meat Production and Consumption in Africa

Meat Production and Consumption in Africa The top five African countries producing meat from farmed species are South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, and Sudan. Together, they contribute about 50% of the continent’s total meat production in terms of volume.The farmed species include chickens (1.9 billion), goats (374 million), sheep (350 million), cattle (320 million), pigs (35 million), dromedaries (23 million), and equids (donkeys, horses, and mules 2.6 million). Additionally, there are also wild species, fish, and insects.For years, Africa has seen an increase in the demand for animal...

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The multiple and extraordinary dairy productions of Africa

The multiple and extraordinary dairy productions of Africa Milk and its derivatives have always been important components of many pastoral civilizations in Africa. In addition to their nutritional value and, in many cases, economic importance, milk and its derivatives often have significant social and cultural meanings. Depending on the type and method of production, Africa produces fresh cheeses, aged cheeses, fermented cheeses, and other milk and butter derivatives. These varieties give rise to an extraordinary range of local products where tradition, culture, conditions, and environmental...

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PROJECT OBJECTIVE WORK: three days of discussions and ideas for ecological transition in Niger

PROJECT OBJECTIVE WORK PROJECT OBJECTIVE WORK: three days of discussions and ideas for ecological transition in Niger OBJECTIVE WORK is a project on the innovation of agro-pastoral supply chains and micro-enterprises for youth employability in Niger, funded by the Italian Ministry of the Interior and implemented by CISV Onlus in partnership with Movimento Africa ’70. Young people from rural areas of Zinder and Tillabery are forced to migrate due to lack of employment, while the cities of Niamey and Zinder are destinations for migration from rural areas. Unfortunately, employment is scarce...

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Summer School TOAfrica

Summer School TOAfrica The fifth edition of the TOAfrica Summer School will take place this year from June 17th to 21st at the Einaudi Campus in Turin. The theme for this year is “Mobility and Migration in Africa: A South-South Perspective.” The Summer School, which originated within the Erasmus exchange program with Makerere University in Kampala (Uganda), counts among its partners the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala, the “Les Afriques dans le monde (LAM)” laboratory at the University of Bordeaux, and the Consortium of Piedmontese NGOs (COP). It is a week-long...

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Research on aquifers in the lateritic deposits of the city of Jangany (Madagascar)

Research on aquifers in the lateritic depositsof the city of Jangany (Madagascar) Purpose of the study and methodologies applied. The objective of this study is to identify potential sites near the city of Jangany in Madagascar where wells for drinking water can be constructed. The geophysical investigations applied in this case study aim to locate a possible shallow or deeper aquifer compared to those currently exploited, and to determine its position underground in order to construct wells appropriately, yielding satisfactory results to meet the city’s ever-growing water demand. Geophysics...

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