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The sea to drink: obtaining fresh water from saltwater as a solution to the water crisis.

The sea to drink: obtaining fresh water from saltwater as a solution to the water crisis. More and more countries in the African continent are betting on this seemingly efficient alternative model, but one with high energy consumption and environmental impact. And above all: who owns desalination plants in Africa? What are the environmental consequences of this process? Who will truly benefit from desalinated water? Today, almost three out of four natural disasters are water-related. By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population will live in areas affected by water stress. This is already...

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ONE HEALTH: A Holistic Approach to Safeguard Global Health

A Holistic Approach to Safeguard Global Health Climate change is ranked third, after chronic diseases and economic crises, as a threat to global health. During the Regional Conference on Climate Change and Health held in August in Malawi, Amref, along with other organizations dedicated to the continent such as AFIDEP (African Institute for Development Policy), PACJA (Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance), and the World Health Organization, shared a common African position on climate change and global health. This position harnesses the potential of the One Health approach: a collaborative approach...

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Sovranità alimentare e clima: l’agroecologia, un’alternativa che guadagna terreno.

Sovranità alimentare e clima: l’agroecologia, un’alternativa che guadagna terreno. Questo il titolo dedicato da Jeune Afrique a una rivoluzione silenziosa che si sta svolgendo negli ultimi anni in Africa, dove l’agroecologia sta guadagnando sempre più terreno. Da poco conclusosi COP28 dove le questioni agricole sono state centrali, osserviamo come questa idea di agricoltura, diametralmente opposta al modello dell’agrobusiness, sia sempre più condivisa all’interno delle organizzazioni contadine africane che trovano in essa un modo per valorizzare il lavoro, le...

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